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Tag Archives : liposuction

SculpSure®: The Latest In Cutting-edge Body Contouring Technology

Earlier this year, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that as new minimally invasive and cosmetic procedures have emerged, the demand for innovative ways to shape the body has exploded. In fact, body contouring is one of the fastest growing aesthetic treatments in the US. Fat freezing technologies like CoolSculpting®, non-surgical cellulite treatments like Cellfina® and laser skin tightening procedures like Thermage® and Ulthera® are the most sought after treatments. In contrast, liposuction, the once synonymous surgical treatment for liquidating fat, has seen a steep decline.

Non-invasive fat reduction methods not only require significantly less down time, but also carry a substantially lower price tag, making body shaping much more accessible.

We wanted to learn more about the latest in innovative aesthetic procedures and turned to Mitchell A. Kline, MD, one of the top dermatologists in New York City, and a trusted Travel Beauty expert. Dr. Kline recently introduced a non-invasive fat-busting treatment at his practice called SculpSure®.

TB: What is SculpSure® and how does it work?

DK: SculpSure® is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body contouring treatment that reduces stubborn fat cells around the abdomen and surrounding area. It is ideal for the treatment of love handles. Using heat-based laser technology it permanently eliminates fat cells. Up to 24% of lipid deposits can be destroyed in a single treatment and most sessions last only 25 minutes. Most patients undergo several sessions during the course of treatment.

TB: Why is SculpSure® your contouring treatment of choice?

As of late, there has been a major cultural shift relating to the way in which we incorporate wellness into our daily lives. Many of my patients have made a serious commitment to maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle including eating healthier foods, incorporating more exercise into their daily routine as well as getting more sleep. In many cases, despite their best efforts, some areas of the body show no signs of improvement. Often this is a result of genetic programming and age. When your DNA refuses to get with the program, SculpSure® can effectively eradicate that last stubborn area of seemingly untouchable body fat. Patients report that their clothes fit better, and more importantly, they feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Time efficiency is also extremely attractive to patients who are busy and on the go – which is pretty much everyone. Additionally, compared to the alternatives, patients experience much less discomfort.

TB: What results are you seeing with SculpSure®?

On average SculpSure® can eliminate up to almost a quarter of fat cells that reside directly under the skin. Many patients start to see results in just six weeks. These are phenomenal results, particularly for individuals that have painstakingly tried everything to no avail.

That said, everyone is different. During the consultation, I discuss the procedure at length, with my patients. We agree upon realistic goals that are achievable. Generally, by the third or fourth treatment we see the most impressive outcomes. Some patients have dropped a full dress size (for the first time in decades!). One patient trimmed 1.5” off her waist in two months with only two treatments.

TB: Who is a good candidate for SculpSure®?

DK: Candidates considering this procedure must undergo a consultation in order for us to asses if SculpSure® is right for them. A common misconception with regard to body contouring devices is that they can be utilized to assist individuals seeking significant weight loss. This is not the case. The best candidates for SculpSure® are those who have isolated areas of excess fat that they wish to address.

TB: With so many innovative technologies, what will the future of body contouring will look like?

DK: I expect that technologies like SculpSure® will be combined with other treatments like non-invasive tightening and Radiofrequency Microneedling to achieve total body rejuvenation.

Dr. Mitchell Kline is a board-certified clinical dermatologist with a private practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that specializes in medical dermatology including melanoma surgery and staging, non-invasive melanoma detection as well as cutting-edge aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kline is a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Cornell University – Weill New York Presbyterian Medical Center.  To learn more, please visit us online at: Kline Dermatology

By: Travel Beauty Editors

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Do Away With Your Double Chin

According to a 2014 survey conducted by The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 68% of those interviewed were bothered by “submental fullness”, a fancy term for a double chin. If you’d count yourself among that 68%, chin up!  The FDA has just approved a brand new non-surgical double chin destroying treatment called Kybella (aka ATX-101). Kybella is a patented synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that promises to melt your chin cares away. The drug is a man-made version of a naturally-occurring substance in the body, deoxycholic acid, that normally aids in the breakdown of dietary fat.

What You Need to Know

The treatment is performed in the office, by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. It takes about 20-30 minutes and does not require anesthesia. The drug is injected in the area of unwanted fat (10-20 separate needle sticks). When Kybella comes in contact with fat cells, it disrupts the cell’s membrane and causes the cell to “lyse”, or burst.  The fat cells release their fatty contents into the surrounding area, and all that unwanted junk is cleaned up and carried away by your body through its normal process for such things. As for recovery, you should expect some swelling and tenderness at the site of the injections for the first 2-3 days after treatment, and some people may have some temporary numbness in the area. Multiple treatments will likely be required for optimal results. During clinical trials, participants received injections once per month for up to six months.

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

The reality is, although a small amount of submental fat is – literally – a small thing, it can make you look older and heavier than you are. Though excess fat under the chin can be associated with weight gain, genetics also play a huge role, and for some people, though they may be at a healthy weight, they still have that extra padding under the chin. Before Kybella, the only options for reduction of submental fat were surgicam, liposuction, or surgical neck lift. Kybella is exciting because it represents the first effective treatment for the double chin without the anesthesia and downtime required for conventional surgery.

Is Kybella for You?

Not everyone is a candidate for Kybella. For example, Kybella melts fat, but does nothing to tighten redundant skin under the chin, and it is not approved for patients under the age of 18 (duh!), so an in-person consultation is a must before scheduling the treatment. Nonetheless, welcome, Kybella! Our newest tool in the non-surgical arsenal in the battle against submental bulge!

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