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Tag Archives : wellness

Expert Skin Care Advice From Yasmine Djerradine

While utilizing quality skin care products and establishing a consistent self care routine is the cornerstone of any effective skincare practice, seeking out professional guidance is a must as well. Just as many of us schedule routine teeth cleanings and check-ups twice a year to take inventory of our oral health, we need to do the same for our skin.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is the body’s first line of defense against the elements. Like any organ, it is constantly in flux and affected by age, pollution, our nutritional intake, levels of anxiety, hormones, the season and many other factors. So in addition to cleansing, using a quality serum, moisturizer, face oil when necessary, eye cream and a weekly mask, I recommend having a routine facial. At a minimum shoot for 4 times a year. To that end, we sat down with Yasmine Djerradine, renowned skin care expert and founder of Yasmine Djerradine Institut de Beauté, to discuss her approach to skin care and why it is more important than ever to take good care of ourselves.

TB: What do you love most about what you do?

Yasmine: So many things…I love to take care of people. There is something intimate about caring for another’s skin. I like to customize each treatment.

People often call me and describe their skin over the phone and ask me to recommend a regimen for them. I always tell them that I need to see and touch their skin in order to understand their unique health and beauty needs.

TB: What is the single most important piece of skin care advice that you give your clients?

Yasmine: Please don’t overdo it! Your skin is an organ, and your body’s first line of defense against the elements. Many harsh procedures actually strip your skin of what it desperately needs to protect itself! Focus on cleansing and hydrating, and your skin will always be there to protect you.

Customization in skin care is also crucial. Everything has to be “sur mesure”, or made to order. Everyone ages differently and responds to the elements and pollution uniquely.

TB: If you had to recommend a few essential skin care products that you would encourage people to splurge on, what would they be?

Yasmine: Today people are living longer and so we need our youthful complexion to last indefinitely. It is more important than ever to take care of ourselves as we age. If you think about the adverse effects of collagen collapse, sun or wind damage, cancer, etc., all of these issues can be traced back to the various ways we have neglected our skin. We must utilize a serious moisturizer during the winter to protect ourselves from the cold and wind and the best sun protection when we are in the sun – basically all year round.

TB: What defining moment in your career had the strongest influence on you?

Yasmine: I have defining moments all the time! I am constantly discovering new products, working with new clients and experimenting with new treatment technologies. This is why, even after 30 years, I am still so passionate about skin care. It is my hope and vision for the future that each new experience will be insightful and exciting. I strive for every moment to be the next “aha” moment!

Read more about Yasmine on her Travel Beauty Expert Page.

By: Alyssa Barrie Weiss, Twitter: @AlyssaBarrie

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Beauty & Wellness Beyond The Products: A Best Of Charlotte’s Book Round Up

Fall is in full swing! And since inner and outer beauty rely on so much more than the products we slather all over our face, body and hair, (make no mistake, effective products have a part to play) we wanted to share some other important facets of holistic beauty we’ve been reading up on lately surrounding the importance of keeping up with daily beauty and wellness regimens, nutrition as well as an exploration of the definition of beauty itself. We hope you enjoy this Charlotte’s Book wellness round up as much as we have.

Sometime Frozen Is Actually Better Than Fresh

Frozen doesn’t mean what it used to. While the idea of frozen food might bring to mind processed pizza or freezer-burned chicken nuggets, when it comes to produce, frozen is actually better. According to Michael Pollan, Author of Omnivore’s Dilemma, “The nutritional quality is just as good-and sometimes even better, because the produce is often picked and frozen at its peak of quality.” Read more.

Facial Fitness: Scam or Glam?

From the ancient Egyptians (you guessed it—another Cleopatra trend) to the Chinese to the French, women have been working on their facial fitness for centuries. It’s already a huge market in Asia—in fact, Christiano Ronaldo endorses a facial fitness tool in Asian markets. But adoption of facial fitness into American skincare regimens has been slow, perhaps because of some healthy skepticism. That said, celebrity facialists from coast to coast swear by it (there’s even a FaceGym inside Selfridges in London!). Read more.

Your Morning Routine Just A Bit More Stimulating

The temperature is dropping, making it a prime time to focus on exfoliation. You’re no longer dealing with summer heat and humidity, which can make skin very sensitive—plus, your tan has gone from fab to drab; it’s time to work on that body glow. Fall is the perfect time for dry brushing! By now you might have heard of the great exfoliating benefits of dry brushing, but there’s more. Thanks to its stimulation of the lymphatic system, you might also start to consider it as part of your wellness routine. Read more.

The Case For Being #Unpretty – Or, Why It’s OK To Take A Break From Perfection

In a world driven by likes and filters, it’s safe to say we are probably the most self-conscious, most objectified, and therefore most tired, disillusioned, and perhaps cyclically depressed generation ever. But that’s just a guess.

And why wouldn’t we be?

We begin our days oh just casually scrolling through flawless #iwokeuplikethis posts, chew our lunches to Facetuned food coma bellies for #foodcoma or #skinnyfat posts, and conclude our pretty standard, unworthy-of-a-post days with popular #makeup selfies of double-filtered, double plumped, fully made-up people, in bed, hash tagged #longday and #tired. This cycle is BEAUTY HELL! Read more.

Hungry for more? Visit our friends at Charlotte’s Book.

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7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Anti-Aging Routine

The women behind Sapelo Skin Care got together with their team of health experts to discuss wellness; specifically, how it affects appearance. Sapelo’s staff and physicians were buzzing about the lifestyle choices that contribute to aging. Here is your chance to be a fly on the wall.

“Skin is the largest organ in the body and performs a number of essential roles in supporting health. It provides a protective barrier against the weather, harmful sunlight, and environmental pollution,” states Dr. John Duttenhaver. “It also helps regulate body temperature and acts as the first line of defense against infection.”

“Vitamin D, which is critical for bone health and other processes in the body, is manufactured in the skin,” notes Dr. Joseph Edwards “and the integrity and health of the skin affects the fluidity of the body’s ability to move comfortably.”

John Duttenhaver, M.D. and Joseph Edwards, M.D. agree that taking care of your skin through a healthy lifestyle is essential for ensuring that this vital organ is able to function in the most optimal way possible while keeping the signs of aging at bay. Read their 7 tips:


Apart from aging, the majority of skin damage is caused by the sun. 

Limiting UV exposure by seeking shade; using broad-spectrum (blocks both UVA and UVB rays) sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher; and wearing protective clothing help to minimize damage to the skin that can manifest as increased skin pigmentation; changes in skin texture; increased number of moles and development of skin cancer.

Smoke Exposure

Smoking is second only to the sun in causing skin damage.

Stopping smoking, avoiding secondhand smoke, and protecting against air pollution, all help prevent the premature aging of the skin, which can result in skin staining, desiccation of the skin, increased number of wrinkles, and slower recovery from skin injury.

Cold and Wind

The use of moisturizers can help maintain the integrity of the skin barrier by decreasing the dryness, itchiness and cracking of the skin that can result from exposure to harsh elements.

Chronic Stress

Learning to manage stress is not just essential for overall wellbeing and health, but can improve the look and health of skin. Chronic stress activates inflammatory changes in the body that are mediated through the endocrine, nervous and immune system. Acne, impaired skin healing and renewal, hives, eczema, itching and redness, are some signs of a lack of balance in managing stress. Practices such as meditation, yoga, music, exercise, etc. can be of great value in dealing with the stressors of daily life.


Lack of sleep is often simply accepted as a consequence of a busy, hectic life. Inadequate sleep has been implicated in weight gain, particularly for women, exacerbation of chronic disease, including depression and is often reflected in the appearance of the skin. Practicing good sleep hygiene promotes a good night’s sleep, which allows for relaxation of facial muscles and overall rejuvenation of the skin.


Eating a whole food well-balanced, anti-inflammatory diet with plentiful vegetables and fruit helps supply the body with antioxidants, phytochemicals and monounsaturated fats, which help combat inflammation and promote health. Skin care products are now including antioxidants in their products to combat the by-products of inflammation that may be present in the skin.


Staying well hydrated moisturizes your skin from inside out, helping your skin look fuller and less wrinkled. It is important to avoid liquids that dehydrate the skin, such as those including caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Got questions? Please post questions in comments below and we will get back to you just as soon as we can!

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New Year, New You! Tips From Team Charlotte

New Year, new you? Every day it seems a new way to revamp, revitalize and reboot ourselves from head to toe hits spas and doctors’ offices…it’s enough to make our bayalaged heads spin. One of our favorite sources for the latest and greatest cosmetic treatments is Team Charlotte. We can always count on Charlotte’s Book to have the scoop on what’s happening right now in aesthetics, beauty and wellness. Here’s a roundup of some of the latest treatment options that Team Charlotte has uncovered. Bottom’s up and Happy New Year!


Sometimes—usually—the best medicine is preventive. According to our CB verified experts, there are some excellent tactics to avoid a brutal hangover. Perhaps you consider that New Year’s Day hangover inevitable. But what can you do before you even start drinking to prevent (or make slightly less terrible) those next-day woes? Read more.


When it comes to acne, sometimes lotions and potions just don’t cut it. Pills can be complicated and risky, and needles aren’t for everybody (I’m looking at you, cortisone). So what’s left?

A lot, actually… Read more.


We’ve never purposely played with fire, so we’re still not sure about this new treatment, Velaterapia, a Brazilian hair burning treatment that promises to refresh split ends and leave hair smooth and shiny. Intrigued? Read more.


There are a slew of specialized facials and skincare procedures that offer brighter, firmer and more radiant skin, but here’s why dermaplaning is a favorite among celebrities and supermodels who have to look high-definition photo ready 24/7.

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